Welcome to the Mattoo Lab!

Purdue Department of Biological Sciences


  • Current Funding:
  1. 9/2015 – 8/2020         National Institutes of Health NIGMS 1R01 GM 100092-01A1 
  2. 8/2016 – 8/2020         National Institutes of Health NIGMS 3R01 GM 100092-01A1S1
  3. 9/2017 – 8/2019         Indiana CTSI Project Development Team Award 
MAY 2019:
APRIL 2019:
MARCH 2019:
  • Congratulations to Graduate student, Sherlene Brown, for winning First Prize at the Sigma Xi Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Fellows Poster Competition! Award winners will be honored at the Annual Sigma Xi Awards Banquet on April 3rd, 2019, where they will also briefly present their award winning posters.
  • Congratulations to Undergraduate Maha Ali on securing a Research Associate Internship at NYU Langone School of Medicine!
  • Congratulations to Graduate Student, Ali Camara, on being awarded the NIH/CTSI Pre-Doctoral Fellowship!


  • Erica Zbornik and Sherlene Brown's posters on their latest work on Fic proteins drew big crowds at the 25th Annual Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference in Iowa City. Awesome scientific discussions! Great meeting!

JUNE 2018:  

  • Seema gave a talk at the Indiana Biology of Intracellular Pathogens meeting in Indianapolis. Ranjan Sengupta presented his poster on a new electron tomography technique that we developed. 

MAY 2018:

  • Sanjeev Kumar wins best poster award (Postdoc Category) on his work on YopT at the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Biomolecular Galaxy meeting!
  • Undergrads Adrianna Glaser and Ben Watson graduated with an Honors Thesis from our lab!
  • Congratulations to all our new Purdue graduates:
Chris Wagner (Covance, Madison, WI),
Maha Ali (Purdue Publich Health),
Ben Watson (Biology Graduate Program, Purdue) ,
Adrianne Glaser(Veterinary School, Purdue), and
Capt. Hee-Jeong Kim (Korea)
APRIL 2018:
  • Congratulations - Mattoo lab members win multiple awards!!
Postdoctoral Fellow, Ranjan Sengupta:  
1) 2017 ASCB (American Society for Cell Biology) Travel Award 
2) Oral presentation at 37th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology, College Park, MD
Graduate student, Ali Camara:
1) 2017 P.T. Gilham Fellowship
2) 2017 JS AS Andrews Award
3) 2018 Abbott Minority Research Award
Undergraduate student, Adrianne Glaser:
1) Dr. Edwin Dwayne Miller Scholarship, 2017
2) Championing Diversity Aaward from Purdue's College of Science
Undergraduate student, Taryn Blaine Coyle:  
1) CPIP (Cancer Prevention Internship Program) Summer Research Internship, 2018
2) 1st Place, Purdue Writing Showcase under "Best Primary Rresearch" Category, 2018
Seema Mattoo:  
1) "Walk the Talk" Ethics Award for Outstanding dedicaton to the Purdue University Statement of Integrity and Code of Conduct, given by Purdue University.
(Seema says, "This particular award means a lot! Thank you to those who nominated me for it.")
2) 2017 Favorite Faculty Nomination, Purdue University
MAY 2018:
  •  Congratulations to Postdoc, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, for winning 1st Prize for Best Poster (Postdoc category) at the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Biomolecular Galaxy Symposium held at Purdue University!
APRIL 2018:
  • Graduate student, Captain Hee-Jeong Kim, successfully defended her Master's Thesis!!
  • Congratulations to newly graduated student, Dr. Anwesha Sanyal, on starting her Postdoc at Harvard University!!
  • Mattoo Lab receives special recognition
  • Meet Ben Watson Phillips, Undergrad Intern
  • Summer happenings in the Mattoo Lab
  • Protein determines life or death fate of stressed cells