Welcome to the Mattoo Lab!

Purdue Department of Biological Sciences




1. Brown, S., Ren, Y., Suter, D.M. and Mattoo, S.* (2021). A co-purification method for efficient production and Src kinase-mediated phosphorylation of Aplysia cortactin. Bio-protocol v. 11, Iss. 18, e4148. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.4158. https://bio-protocol.org/e4158

2. A. Sanyal, E.A. Zbornik, B.G. Watson, C. Christoffer, J. Ma, D. Kihara, and S. Mattoo*. (2021). Kinetic and Structural Parameters Governing Fic-mediated Adenylylation/AMPylation of the Hsp70 Chaperone, BiP/GRP78. Cell Stress and Chaperoneshttps://doi.org/10.1007/s12192-021-01208-2.  Reprint at https://rdcu.be/cjUxr


1. Dutta, S.#, Watson, B. G.#, Mattoo, S.* and Rochet, J.* (2020). Calcein Release Assay to Measure Membrane Permeabilization by Recombinant Alpha-Synuclein. Bio-protocol 10(14): e3690. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3690.

2. Mihelc EM, Angel S, Stahelin RV, Mattoo S.* The CryoAPEX Method for Electron Microscopy Analysis of Membrane Protein Localization Within Ultrastructurally-Preserved Cells. J Vis Exp2020 Feb 27;(156)doi: 10.3791/60677. PubMed PMID: 32176196.

3. Camara A, Sanyal A, Dutta S, Rochet J*, Mattoo S*. 2020. In vitro AMPylation/Adenylylation of Alpha-synuclein by HYPE/FICD. Bio-protocol. 10(18). doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3760. 

4.  Camara A, George A, Hebner E, Mahmood A, Paluru J, Mattoo S*. 2020. A Fluorescence Polarization-Based High-Throughput Screen to Identify the First Small-Molecule Modulators of the Human Adenylyltransferase HYPE/FICD. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.   21(19): 7128. doi: 10.3390/ijms21197128. 


1. R. Sengupta, M.J. Poderycki, and S. Mattoo*. CryoAPEX - an electron tomography tool for subcellular localization of membrane proteins. Journal of Cell Science .

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4. Herrera A, Muroski J, Sengupta R, Nguyen HH, Agarwal S, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Mattoo S, Loo JA, Satchell KJF. N-terminal autoprocessing and acetylation of multifunctional-autoprocessing repeats-in-toxins (MARTX) Makes Caterpillars Floppy-like effector is stimulated by adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-Ribosylation Factor 1 in advance of Golgi fragmentation. Cell Microbiol. 2020 Feb;22(2):e13133. doi: 10.1111/cmi.13133. Epub 2019 Nov 15. PubMed PMID: 31658406; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6980712.


1. A. Sanyal, E.A. Zbornik, B.G. Watson, C. Christoffer, J. Ma, D. Kihara, and S. Mattoo*. Kinetic and Structural Parameters Governing Fic-mediated Adenylylation/AMPylation of the Hsp70 Chaperone, BiP/GRP78. BioRXiv

2. S. Kumar, V. Hedrick, and S. Mattoo*. YopT domain of PfhB2 toxin from Pasteurella multocida: protein expression, characterization, crystallization and crystallographic analysis. Acta Crystallographica. F74: https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053230X18000857


3. A. Sanyal, A. J. Chen, E. S. Nakayasu, C. S. Lazar, E. A. Zbornik, C. A. Worby, A. Koller, and S. Mattoo*. A novel link between Fic (Filamentation induced by cAMP)-mediated adenylylation/AMPylation and the unfolded protein response. 2015. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 290: 8482. *Corresponding author


1. S. Mattoo*, E. Durant, M. Chen, J. Xiao, G. Manning, J. E. Dixon, and C. A Worby*. Comparative analysis of H. somni IbpA with other Fic domain-containing enzymes reveals differences in substrate and nucleotide specificities. 2011. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 32834. *Corresponding author


1. J. Xiao, C. A. Worby, S. Mattoo, B. Sankaran, and J. E. Dixon. 2010. Structural basis of Fic domain mediated adenylylation. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 17: 1004.

2. B. Zekarias, S. Mattoo, C. A. Worby, J. Lehmann, R. F. Rosenbusch, and L. B. Corbeil. 2010. The Histophilus somni IbpA DR2/Fic domain disrupts the natural host alveolar epithelial barrier. Infection & Immunity. 78: 1850.

3. N. Sukumar, G. Parise-Sloan, M. S. Conover, C. F. Love, S. Mattoo, N. D. Kock, and R. Deora. 2010. Cross-species protection mediated by a Bordetella bronchiseptica strain lacking antigenic homologs present in the acellular pertussis vaccines. Infection & Immunity. 78: 2008.


1. C. A. Worby* and S. Mattoo*, R. P. Kruger, L. B. Corbeil, A. Koller, J. C. Mendez, B. Zekarias, C. S. Lazar, and J. E. Dixon. 2009. The Fic domain: Regulation of cell signaling by adenylylation. Molecular Cell. 34: 93. *Equal contribution

2. B. Medhekar, R. Shrivastava, S. Mattoo, M. Gingery, and J. F. Miller. 2009. Bordetella Bsp22 defines a new family of T3SS tip complex proteins. Molecular Microbiology. 71: 492.


1. M. S. Gentry, S. Mattoo, and J. E. Dixon. 2008. Utilizing red algae to understand a neurodegenerative disease. In Red Algae in the Genomics Age, Eds: J. Seckbach, D. Chapman, A. P. M. Weber. Series: Cellular Origins, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology (COLE). Springer Press.

2. S. Mattoo, N. M. Alto, and J. E. Dixon. 2008. Subversion of myosin function by E. coli. Developmental Cell. 14: 8.


1. S. Mattoo, Y. M. Lee, and J. E. Dixon. 2007. Interactions of bacterial effectors proteins with host proteins. Current Opinion in Immunology. 19: 392.

2. M. S. Gentry, R. H. Dowen III, C. A. Worby, S. Mattoo, J. R. Ecker and J. E. Dixon. 2007. The phosphatase laforin crosses evolutionary boundaries and links carbohydrate metabolism to neuronal disease. The Journal of Cell Biology. 178: 477.


1. N. M. Alto, F. Shao, C. S. Lazar, R. L. Brost, G. Chua, S. Mattoo, S. A. McMahon, P. Ghosh, T. R. Hughes, C. Boone, and J. E. Dixon. 2006. Identification of a bacterial type III effector family with G-protein mimicry functions. Cell. 124: 133.

2. S. Mattoo and J. F. Miller. 2006. Type III secretion in Bordetella-host interactions. In The Influence of Cooperative Bacteria on Animal Host Biology, Eds. MJ McFall-Nagai, B Henderson, EG Ruby. Series: Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology (No. 10). Cambridge University Press.


1. E. M. Panina, S. Mattoo, N. Griffith, N. A. Kozak, M. H. Yuk, and J. F. Miller. 2005. A genome-wide screen identifies a Bordetella type III secretion effector and candidate effectors in other species. Molecular Microbiology. 58: 267.

2. N. A. Kozak, S. Mattoo, A. K. Foreman-Wykert, J. P. Whitelegge, and J. F. Miller. 2005. Interactions between partner switcher orthologs BtrW and BtrV regulate type III secretion in Bordetella. J. Bacteriology. 187: 5665.

3. S. Mattoo and J. Cherry. 2005. Molecular pathogenesis, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations of respiratory infections due to Bordetella pertussis and other Bordetella subspecies. Clinical Reviews in Microbiology. 18: 326.


1. Y. Irie, S. Mattoo and M. H. Yuk. 2004. The Bvg virulence control system regulates biofilm formation in Bordetella bronchiseptica. J. Bacteriology. 186: 5692.

S. Mattoo, M. H. Yuk, L. L. Huang, and J. F. Miller. 2004. Regulation of type III secretion in Bordetella. Molecular Microbiology. 52:1201.


1. S. Mattoo, A. K. Foreman-Wykert, P. A. Cotter, and J. F. Miller. 2001. Mechanisms of Bordetella pathogenesis. Frontiers in Bioscience. 6: 168.


1. S. Mattoo, J. F. Miller, and P. A. Cotter. 2000. Role of Bordetella bronchiseptica fimbriae in tracheal colonization and development of a humoral immune response. Infection & Immunity. 68: 2024.


1. P. A. Cotter, S. Mattoo, M. H. Yuk, B. J. Akerley et al. 1998. Filamentous hemagglutinin of Bordetella bronchiseptica is required for efficient establishment of tracheal colonization. Infection & Immunity. 66: 5921.


1. P. Mazur, W. J. Henzel, S. Mattoo and J. W. Kozarich. 1994. 3-carboxy-cis, cis-muconate lactonizing enzyme from Neurospora crassa: An alternate cycloisomerase motif. J. Bacteriology. 176: 1718.